Matej Kejžar is arriving with the continuation of his complex project Language Sausage (LS) and presents us with a solo dance piece LS-Digital. He confronts the digital and the bodily. The digitalist paradigm is not something he takes for granted or dismisses easily. On the contrary, he calls for an contemplational and artistic immersion into the core of this topic.

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Matej Kejžar, who in recent years has been shaping his notion of an emancipated form of dance is continuing to do so in LSLSLS. He asks: What is it with instructions that teach us how awareness needs to be habituated for us to insert ourselves within repetitive cycles? LSLSLS is a depiction of tension. It reveals the conditions for the necessary change. It is an open window that may render visible the infinite processes of tension.

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Pekinpah's Performative Exhibition | Pekinpahova uprizoritvena razstava

V prvo Pekinpahovi uprizoritveni razstav, smo z združevanjem formatov sodobnih uprizoritvenih praks, razpirali večperspektivični pogled. Predstavljene so bile uprizoritvene, vizualne, glasbene in oblikovalske aktivnosti Pekinpahovih umetnikov in oblikovalcev, ki skozi različne žanre in prostorsko-časovno kontekste preslikavajo smernice nastalega, sedanjega in prihajajočega.

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