

The second part of the Verbalisation Trilogy, White is an autobiographical piece dedicated to all colour-blind people. It's a celebration of a body liberated from its own disability - the disability that exists as a norm only as long as it is conveyed through words.


© Matija Lukić

© Matija Lukić

Matej Kejžar, graduated as a choreographer from the Amsterdam School of the Arts, in the SNDO program, and continued his postgraduate studies in Brussels at X-Group P.A.R.T.S. He was an exchanged student at the Trisha Brown Dance Company in New York and received a scholarship from the Movement Research program.



Kejžar’s white body embedded in the white canvas of a white cube takes us on a journey from subject’s innocent beginning of looking at the world to subject’s daring attempts at seeing the world for what it is.

In White, the second part of the Verbalisation Trilogy, Kejžar is under attack by a continuous storytelling of an (auto)biographical narrator whose text-turned-landscape is denoting the disability, while Kejžar overcomes it gradually by emancipatory tendencies of his body.

White, hence, celebrates and reflects on body’s ability to see through things and see things through - independent of verbalisation.

Created by Matej Kejžar
Performed by Matej Kejžar
Producer: Žiga Predan
Produced by Pekinpah

Premiere: 26 March 2014, the Old Power Station, Ljubljana, Slovenia