Poet Miklavž Komelj has translated Antiphone and will be, alongside the performer Leja Jurišić, presenting a reading/performing intervention of the play through a dialogue
Djuna Barnes: Beast, a detail of an illustration for the novel Ryder (1928), ink on paper, ca. 1928.
November 6, 2024, 7:00 PM
Pekinpah Studio
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
*Publisher /cf. in collaboration with the Pekinpah association invites you to the presentation of the Slovene translation of the play Antiphon by the iconic 20th-century American author Djuna Barnes.
Antiphon is renowned as one of the most enigmatic plays ever written; for this reason, we have envisioned its public presentation as a small experiment: a stitching together of a spatial installation with a performative and reading intervention in dialogue with the translator.
Kot kovač skuje surovo kovino, tako je otrok skovan za ples. Toda če ni zavit v metriko, v objemu discipline, izurjen v zavrnitvi familiarnosti in pričvrščen v utoru rituala in če se ne obrača v duhu igre, potem bo ravnotežje padec; to vzdŕži. (Antifona, III. dejanje)
Participants: Leja Jurišič (performer), Miklavž Komelj (translator), Amelia Kraigher (editor), and Petra Veber (spatial designer).