9 pieces, 9 movements. A ‘favourite album’ as a choreographic frame. Premiered at Španski Borci, Ljubljana, Matej Kejžar’s Movements 9 find its inspiration in Floating Points’ album Promises. From a ‘favourite album’ a new dance piece arises, a new dynamic territory.
© Matija Lukić
“Movements 9 is a part of Kejžar's oeuvre of recent years, which ponders the potential of movement language as it moves away from the tendencies of dance conceptualism, which is one of the ideological directions of contemporary dance in recent decades. In its most penetrating moments, the performance offers strong and refined scenes, inclined to the new post-dance moment explored by Kejžar.”
- Maša Radi Buh, Binding of a dance move, Veza.sigledal.org
Najljubši album kot koreografski okvir, kjer ples resonira med pred-védenjem, ritmom, glasbeno silo, poslušanjem in slišanjem, naracijo in abstrakcijo. Mateja Kejžarja je presunil Floating Points z albumom Promises. 9 skladb, 9 stavkov, 9 gibov. Kejžar sledi tej glasbi, ki mu nenehno sledi. Premišljata se. Iz najljubšega albuma nastaja novo plesno delo, nov dinamični teritorij. V glasbi, torej paraleli, ki je natanko tu.
A ‘favourite album’ as a choreographic frame where dance resonates between proto-knowing, rhythm, musical force, listening and hearing, narration and abstraction. Matej Kejžar was literally moved by Floating Points’ album Promises. 9 pieces, 9 movements. Kejžar follows this music, which persistently follows him. They contemplate each other. From a ‘favourite album’ a new dance piece arises, a new dynamic territory. Within music, in a parallel which is precisely here.
Author and performance: Matej Kejžar
Light design: Petra Veber
Producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Pekinpah, Matej Kejžar
Photography: Petra Veber and Matija Lukić
Premiere: 25. - 28. september 2021, Španski borci, Ljubljana