Performans vizualne umetnice Tatiane Kocmur,
prva izvedba 30. novembra ob 20. uri v Špitalski kapeli v Celju
© Tomaž Črnej
»Karkoli bolečina doseže, doseže deloma prek svoje nedeljivosti, to nedeljivost pa zagotavlja s svojim odporom do jezika.« Elaine Scarry
V začetku leta 2022 se je umetnica Tatiana Kocmur skozi umetniško perspektivo pričela posvečati raziskovanju zgodovinskih in aktualnih problemov telesnega in spolnega nasilja ter koncepcij in jezika (ali pač ne-jezika) o bolečini. The Following Body je prva vizualna artikulacija tega raziskovanja.
Performans prikazuje težko razumljivo, natančneje nepredstavljivo spremembo in prizadetost organizma zaradi nenadnega delovanja zunanje sile. Notranji konflikt razumevanja, priznavanja in sprejemanja predrugačene strukture telesa je v performansu viden navzven v podobi dveh semantičnih entitet. Ples nemih tvorb je senzualen in obenem agresiven. Njuno razmerje določata njuna soodvisnost in neločljivost. Enkrat sta vidni kot ljubimki, drugič kot nasprotnici. Postaneta eksponat ljubezni in sovraštva. V počasnem in bolečem prepletu dveh se vlogi agresorke in žrtve premešata. Njuni premiki izvajajo (ne)prijetne zvoke, ki opominjajo na vse, česar ni bilo mogoče izreči, in kar zaradi posttravmatske stresne motnje in strahu, ki se pojavi ob zahtevnem, travmatičnem doživetju, niti ne more biti izrečeno.
Performans je posvečen Juani in vsem žrtvam spolnega nasilja.
Podobe in zvoki, uporabljeni za oblikovanje žive kompozicije, so bili izbrani na podlagi pogovorov umetnice s posameznicami_ki, ki so v mladosti doživele_i spolno zlorabo.
Avtorica in izvajalka: Tatiana Kocmur
Obleka: Jaka Grm
Glas: Juana Video: Domen Martinčič
Montaža videa in zvok: Tatiana Kocmur
Pomoč pri izdelavi objekta: Stefan Doepner, Miha Erjavec
Pomoč pri izvedbi: Liza Šimenc
Fotografija: Nina Pernat
Svetovanje: Matej Kejžar
Produkcija: Pekinpah
Podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenija in Mestna občina Ljubljana - Oddelek za kulturo
©Matija Lukić, ©Tomaž Črnej
The Following Body
Whatever pain achieves, it achieves in part through its unsharability, and it ensures this unsharability through its resistance to language.
Elaine Scarry
At the beginning of 2022, Tatiana Kocmur began to focus her artistic research on historical and contemporary problems of physical and sexual violence and the concept and language (or rather non-language) of pain. The Following Body is the first visual articulation of this exploration.
This performance shows a hard-to-understand, or, more precisely, unimaginable change and impairment of the organism due to the sudden action of an external force. The internal conflict of understanding, acknowledging, and accepting a different body structure is visible externally in the performance in the form of two semantic entities: The dance of silent formations is sensual and at the same time aggressive. Their interdependence and inseparability define their relationship. At one point they are seen as lovers, but in the very next one as opponents. They become an exhibit of love and hate. In a slow and painful intertwining of the two, the roles of aggressor and victim are mixed. Their movements make (un)pleasant sounds that remind us of everything that didn’t and cannot arrive at articulation because of the post-traumatic syndrome and the fear that appears with a demanding, traumatic experience.
The performance is dedicated to Juana and all victims of sexual violence.
Images and sounds, used to create a composition for live performance, were selected through the artist's conversations with individuals who experienced sexual abuse in their youth.
Author and performer: Tatiana Kocmur
Dress: Jaka Grm
Voice: Juana
Video: Domen Martinčič
Video editing and sound: Tatiana Kocmur
Object construction support: Stefan Doepner
Implementation: Liza Šimenc
Photography: Nina Pernat
Mentor: Matej Kejžar
Production: Pekinpah
Supported by Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Culture and City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
If the gesture itself is something that, in the broadest sense, can perhaps be considered an intuitively accessible artistic display of an attempt to liberate the body from the pressures it experiences in its surroundings, what is so much more interesting is the way in which the performance The Following Body combines and juxtaposes various minimalist, but semantically very meaningful, elements.
Delo, Anja Radaljac, 3 December 2022