ATYPI’s interviews: Petra Černe Oven


ATypI’s yearly congress is an opportunity to exchange views, ideas and knowledge with the most prominent professionals from the field of typography and type design in the world. In addition to the events at the conference, AtypI published an interview with Pekinpah member and head of Information design section, Petra Černe Oven.


ATypI promotes typography and has members from all over the world. Since the year 2000, Slovenian official Country Delegate is Petra Černe Oven, a member of the Pekinpah Association.

She has actively contributed to some of the congresses in the past, and is participating in improvements of the organisation with her fellow members. At the latest congress at Warsaw, she presented her research about Slovenian children magazine Ciciban in a talk titled:

“Designing young readers through typography. Ciciban, a children magazine published in the socialist state with capitalist aspirations. Illustrated history with occasional ironic twist from a critical perspective”

Other talks from the conference are available as videos here.