LS-Digital is the continuation to Kejžar's complex project Language Sausage (LS). In LS-Digital Kejžar confronts the digital and the bodily. The digitalist paradigm is not something he takes for granted or dismisses easily. On the contrary, he calls for an contemplational and artistic immersion into the core of this topic.


“Digitality is fragmented and invisible in contrast to physicality which is constant and analog,” he emphasises, and adds: “Digitalisation is abstract and difficult to grasp, which troubles the processes of embodiment within the digital surroundings.” In LS–Digital, Kejžar authorizes the individual, the dancer, to directly experience the current digital structures, which must be realized with all the weight of doubt. Even more, he should create New structures. In other words, LS–Digital is an artistic exploration into the ways of being in an overly saturated digital environment, in the interface between the digital and the physical. The main question: How does digitality really “feel”?

Concept, performance:
Matej Kejžar
Set & the third eye for signs and symbols:
Petra Veber
Pekinpah, Matej Kejžar
© Matija Lukić