Spider festival 2024


Spider Festival 2024


The Force of Bodies

Critical analysis is concerned with the so-called human herd behaviour. Meanwhile, capitalists are accumulating more and more capital, leading to greater and greater economic and social disparities. We are well aware of the solutions—destroy the despots, include the excluded, achieve equality for all and end exploitation. The world does not need new ideas. It needs the realisation of those we already have at hand.

For instance, what if we transformed herd mentality at the level of language into a swarm-like force? Swarm behaviour is a collective movement of a large number of self-propelled entities. Their path is translinear, their wings flap, sometimes colliding with each other, often with the world, and this movement leads to intelligent global behaviour that transcends individuality.

Welcome to Spider Festival 2024. This year, we are turning critically to the seductive aspects of dance practices. Key among them is the drive to combine different media in the performing arts, from visual to theatrical, from classical music to electronic DJ sets. Here, in Spider Festival, we are in a structure that aggregates communities and significantly contributes to the formation of human cultures.

Between June 19 and 22, 2024, the well-known stage of the Spider Festival in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park will serve as a landing strip for both established and newcomer names of the contemporary international and local art scene. Andreas Hannes and Trevoga Collective are flying in from Amsterdam, Reinaldo Ribeiro from Barcelona, Marc Vanrunxt from Antwerp, Mark Požlep is driving from the Adriatic highway, AHA Collective is arriving from Yerevan, and we are also expecting Elisa Zuppini, Arno Ferrera, Igor Shyshko, Nenad Jelesijević, and Sonja Pregrad. As always, at Spider Festival, the artistic program is complemented by the most current names in the electronic music scene.

The Spider Festival is open to everyone. You can buy a ticket on a pay-what-you-want basis. All ticket sales go for the preparation and implementation of the festival and the support of our team, which works tirelessly to ensure that everyone at Spider Festival has a good time.