Second part of Dance and Performance program will be taking place from 3 to 17 October under the mentorship of renowned dancer and choreographer Matej Kejžar. The workshop will be permeated by the mentor's otherwise creative agenda, which focuses on the deconstruction and re-construction of the technical structure, social and emotional range of dance.
Read moreSTD – Spending Time Dancing
Spending Time Dancing presents Matej Kejžar’s artistic experimentation with Dancing discharged from the drive for choreography. In order to relieve dance from the burden, constructed in the concept of choreography, the burden of a carefully planned succession of movements as progress, the dancers indulge in the processes that defy the linearity of both movement and time. They compost.
Read moreSILENCE | vocabulary of madness
In a mad world, only the mad are sane.— Akira Kurosawa
On November 4, at Cankarjev dom, Silence will present The Vocabulary of Madness, their first album in a decade
FUTURING: a co-project for bio27
Futuring's objective is to use the biennial to interrogate its practices and future; to observe, source, and examine the existing sustainable practices in cultural production. Our findings are collected in an open-source toolkit and offer selected perspectives on sustainability. The findings will enable cultural institutions, designers (and individuals) to reduce the environmental impact of their work.
Read moreResurrection 2.0
A hybrid improvised music concert and dance performance by Beno Novak, Boštjan Simon, and Elvis Homan, awarded as the best performance of the 12th Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art Gibanica 2023.
Read moreSpider festival 2022
Join us in disrupting the normative, the fixed, the harmonious. Enter the sphere of exploration, attentive listening and subtle encounters, dance, cinematic performances, music performances, DJ sets, hangouts, and interactions. Welcome to Spider Festival 2022!
East is Best
The East is Best project is aimed to develop network connections, endorse artist's visibility and expose new international projects. The nature of the partnership is rooted in balance and equity between the partners as they symmetrically share their know-how, experiences, and resources, to enhance live communication between regional producers, artists, and audiences.
Read morecreative bodies in movement: dance and performance
From 10 to 31 May, Leja Jurišić will conduct a forty-hour workshop in the field of dance and performance. The program will be based on the physical and emotional patterns of the participants: the participants will try to turn their own habits into a dance movement in order to establish a stronger awareness of their own subjectivity.
Read moreZbirke in arhivi kot prostor idej in znanja
Okrogla miza v MAO: interdisciplinarni posvet na temo raziskovanja, izobraževanja, arhiviranja in dokumentiranja in razprava o oblikovanju v založništvu
Read moreKnjiga? Oblikovanje v založništvu
S čim se danes soočajo oblikovalci pri oblikovanju knjig? Katere težave pestijo založništvo in kako se založniki lotevajo oblikovanja knjig, tega tako pomembnega dela v procesu izdaje knjige? Kaj je dobro oblikovana knjiga in kako se je spremenila njena vloga v primerjavi z drugimi mediji? Ali ima še vedno pomembno vlogo pri vizualnem opismenjevanju? Kaj pomeni oblikovati, tiskati oz. izdajati knjige danes?
Read morecreative bodies in movement: Scenography
As Tutta says, contemporary scenography is as complex and bold as modern life. Tutta will focus mainly on stage representation, where the scenography performs a specific function. The participants will focus on the challenges of representation in the context of contemporary theatre and explore the creative possibilities of scenography on practical examples.
Read moreCONCERT
For quite some time, the dancer and choreographer Leja Jurišić has been developing her interest in the arts that in their time transformed the field of art, those that had cut into it, stirred it up, and redefined it. This impulse and focus can be observed in her creative work; she collaborates with artists from various fields to create pieces in which she can cross the conventions and boundaries of a dance performance. In the new piece entitled CONCERT, the horizon of the leap from the dance arts is even bolder, even bigger.
Read morecreative bodies in movement: costume design
The mission of the workshop is aimed at exploring creative potentials of the participants to achieve their own artistic expression, which will enable them to independently develop and realize their own costume design ideas on their future creative journey.
V Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje se 16. decembra 2021 odpira razstava Jožeta Brumna, arhitekta, kiparja, pedagoga, predvsem pa enega najvplivnejših pionirjev slovenskega grafičnega oblikovanja. Prvo pregledno in študijsko zasnovano razstava Brumnovega bogatega ustvarjalnega opusa je avtorsko zasnovala članica društva Pekinpah, dr. Petra Černe Oven. Pregledna razstava obsega dela od zgodnjih petdesetih do prve polovice devetdesetih let 20. stoletja.
Read morecreative bodies in movement
Creative Bodies in Movement, organised around different workshops in field of performing arts, is a project aimed at engaging migrants to act productively and creatively. The workshops will enable the participants to gain skills and knowledge necessary for creating and giving a closing public presentation, which will witness participants' newly acquired skills and progress and close the project in February 2023.
Read moreS kulturo v svet 2021!
Strokovna in specializirana usposabljanja na področju kulture, s ciljem zvišanja kompetenc in mednarodnih zaposlitvenih možnosti udeležencev usposabljanj.
Projekt sta sofinancirali Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.
Read moreMovements 9
A ‘favourite album’ as a choreographic frame where dance resonates between proto-knowing, rhythm, musical force, listening and hearing, narration and abstraction. From this ‘favourite album’ a new dance piece arises, a new dynamic territory. Within music, in a parallel which is precisely here.
Read moreBRINA - a Kinaesthetic Monument
A monument: a structure, a tangible structure, a lasting tangible structure as a reminder to a historical phenomenon, a fixation of a specific memory arising from the fear of loss of memory. Now: to make one who is movement itself into a monument.
Read moreS kulturo v svet!
Uspešno smo zaključili projekt S kulturo v svet! - zaposlitve in usposabljanja na področju mednarodnih trgov v kulturi 2020. Projekt sta sofinancirali Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada
Read moreCONSEQUENCE p. 2, p. 3, p. 4
Pekinpah’s first collaboration with Urška Medved has created three new variations of visual performance Consequence! A fresh take on body and textile and of the trails after the performance takes place.
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