Koper Summer School | Informal City: Temporal-Autonomous Utopias

Spend this summer with Architectuul and UAU! // Urban Activation Unit at the salt warehouse Libertas on the fringe of the historical city center of Koper, Slovenia from 1 to 12 September 2021. The international summer school will enable participants to understand and apply new strategies to shape the participatory process and inclusive lifestyles in cities in the post-COVID period. The summer school is organised with the support and participation of the City Municipality of Koper, University of Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Pekinpah, NORadio. Deadline for the application: 25. 5. 2021. Apply here

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‘Engagencing’: The Design of Self-Governance

We are very proud that the project ‘Engagencing’: The Design of Self-Governance is part of Design in an Age of Crisis online exhibition. The project is based on the premise that future design practices will move beyond isolated fabrication, taking into consideration context, variation, and time, and becoming relational, sustainable, and responsive.

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Ali ima prihodnost ponovitev? Interier 1990–2015

Razstavni projekt je prva pregledna razstava oblikovanja interierjev v samostojni Sloveniji. Projekti, izbrani za razstavo Ali ima prihodnost ponovitev?, so nastali med letoma 1990 in 2015, pionirsko pa jih je začrtalo delo arhitekta Jureta Kobeta s poslovalnico Globtour v Ljubljani (1986–88). Na razstavi bo predstavljenih 28 projektov premišljeno oblikovanega interierja 52. avtorjev in avtoric iz 16. arhitekturnih in oblikovalskih studiev.

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NA POMOČ! Ples>denar

Pekinpah v sodelovanju s Centrom za kreativnost vsak prvi petek v mesecu nudi brezplačno svetovanje, kjer nagovarjamo samostojne umetnike_ce, producent(k)e ali skupine, ki bi radi_e začel_e_i delovati ali delovati bolje na uprizoritvenem/umetniškem področju.

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Matej Kejžar is arriving with the continuation of his complex project Language Sausage (LS) and presents us with a solo dance piece LS-Digital. He confronts the digital and the bodily. The digitalist paradigm is not something he takes for granted or dismisses easily. On the contrary, he calls for an contemplational and artistic immersion into the core of this topic.

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Katera vprašanja zastavlja oblikovanje?

Razstava in delavnica Katera vprašanja zastavlja oblikovanje? sta se februarja odvili v Avtomatik Delovišču v Kopru. Na delavnici so pod mentorskim vodstvom Barbare Predan in Michale Lipkove sodelovali mladi kreativci in podiplomski študenti industrijskega oblikovanja. Vse nastalo je zbrano tudi v publikaciji z naslovom Questions Raised by Design.

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Matej Kejžar, who in recent years has been shaping his notion of an emancipated form of dance is continuing to do so in LSLSLS. He asks: What is it with instructions that teach us how awareness needs to be habituated for us to insert ourselves within repetitive cycles? LSLSLS is a depiction of tension. It reveals the conditions for the necessary change. It is an open window that may render visible the infinite processes of tension.

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SILENCE | Fine-Tuning

On December 22, Silence performed at the State Celebration of the Slovene Independence and Unity Day. The event's artistic program - entitled 'Fine-Tuning, Concerto for a Two-Million Piece Orchestra' - was conceived and directed by the duet. The event featured a formal address by Dr. Miro Cerar, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Ravnikar in Fuller

Prva tiskana izdaja študije Design arhitekta Edvarda Ravnikarja (1969). In prvi slovenski prevod Priročnika za vesoljsko ladjo Zemlja (1969) R. Buckminstra Fullerja. Skupaj ali ločeno. Knjigi sta izšli v Zbirki 42 založbe Pekinpah. Urednici zbirke sta Barbara Predan in Petra Cerne Oven. 

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